June 18, 2024

Tubbly comes to Aleph Zero to make airdrops happen in real life!

Tubbly comes to Aleph Zero to make airdrops happen in real life!

As we continue to innovate and enhance Tubbly app, we're thrilled to share the latest milestones in  Aleph Zero’s Ecosystem Funding Program. Our goal is to provide a seamless and secure blockchain experience for all Tubbly users.

Tubbly on Aleph Zero

We have successfully integrated Tubbly with the Aleph Zero blockchain. Now, every time a user claims tokens on the map, their balance is updated on the blockchain. All transactions are securely signed by Tubbly’s main account. You can view the smart contract here. Link to the smart contract.

Enhancing User activity

Our next focus is linking user accounts with private keys. This will allow each token claim to update the user’s balance and be signed by the user themselves. This shift aims to enhance both security and personalization in blockchain interactions.

Developing a User-Friendly In-App Wallet

We are also developing a user-friendly in-app wallet to make blockchain interactions straightforward. Users will be able to view their wallet address and balance, make deposits and withdrawals, and export their private keys directly from the Tubbly app. This intuitive interface will simplify managing assets.

Introducing the AirDrop functionality

We are working on an AirDrop feature that will allow users to collect the AZERO coins on the map, just as regular tokens. After AZERO, we’ll introduce the support for the fungible tokens on the Aleph Zero network.

Tubbly in EFP

Tubbly is joining the Aleph Zero Ecosystem Funding Program (EFP), which aims to expand the capabilities, functionalities, and adoption of the Aleph Zero blockchain. This partnership will enable Tubbly to utilize EFP resources to enhance its innovative features, with the shared goal of promoting Aleph Zero's growth and adoption.

Stay tuned for more

Tubbly is joining the Aleph Zero Ecosystem Funding Program (EFP), which aims to expand the capabilities, functionalities, and adoption of the Aleph Zero blockchain. Our ongoing partnership with Aleph Zero is set to bring powerful blockchain features to Tubbly, enhancing security, functionality, and the overall user experience. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to innovate and grow the Tubbly app.